So just got some blood work done and we totally over reacted with the results we saw before the doc put her two cents in. She doesn't seem to have any concern over the abnormal results and says we're "fine".
Like that's pretty obvious sign when the numbers are way elevated and yet we are brushed aside like its no big deal.
So what does that mean in all of life? Are we totally over reacting to what happened to us growing up? Making a mountain out of a mole hill???
Like were things really as bad as they seemed?
I mean everyone gets yelled at. And yeah so what if we never heard I love you. No biggie. The name calling, put downs and all that its a part of a teenage life; I mean, right? We are making another big deal out of nothing.
Like what teen doesn't want to live at some point, its typical growing up stuff. Has to be. Then of course there are those other hush hush, fam secrets but really that was all made up. Wasn't it?
Now I don't seem to know if I'm coming or going.
So confused.
Like I'm used to abrasive in the face talk. And its interesting cuz I just had another person do it to me and yet the way he did it was so different than what I'm used to. Like in the past it was all about making me feel small and insignificant and stupid but this time it was different. Hard to put my finger on it exactly but its like I was seen as a human instead of just an object to release vengeance. And not that this person was looking for vengeance just was being blunt and honest...I think. Still questioning his motives but it isn't because I have anything that doesn't line up or feel right but because its my very nature to question where others are coming from. And trust me if you're being nice to me, then right away that is every reason to send out the hound dogs looking for the hidden agenda. No one is ever nice to just be nice. Always looking to get something from me. But eerily, somehow, I don't think that is the way with this guy.
Oh and as I say guy, don' get any wrong ideas. He's older, fatherly type. Sigh, can't imagine there are any like him my age that would have any interest in me.
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